Just when I am trying to make an effort to blog on a regular basis, my internet screws up. Its constantly dropping out. I ran my provider (AOL) and they are aware of it and trying to fix the problem ie BT are fixing it, because who ever your provider is BT supply the lines unless it's fibre optics of course. Hope its done soon as it's driving me barmy.
I had my Upper GI Endoscopy this morning. Since I had my Gallbladder removed last year Iv had a lot of stomach problems.........which was a bummer as people were saying I would feel so much better. Basically my stomach is erosive and so is my duodendum............I am only the second case she had ever seen where the stomach just fills with bile after having the gallbladder removed. I'm always belching, and the acid has been unbearable. So for the time being, I have to have three lots of medication and then back for another scope after a while to see if the inflamation has died down. In the mean time I'm not allowed any alcohol (which is a bummer as I like a drop of wine now and again) or spicy foods. I also have to see a specialist after my biopsys results come through. Thankfully my clotest came through negative which means no ulcers.
On the positive side, I'm starting Weight Watchers again next week. I also bought a descent exercise bike to help get my fitness levels up...................first time I used it and got off, I had a numb bum and pins and needles between my legs! They don't mention that in the brochure that comes with it do they! I couldn't sit down for several minutes. I guess its where I am a short arse vertically challenged with an inside leg of 25 inches and even with the saddle at it's lowest, my feet do not touch the floor! I wanted to put a cushion on the saddle but Colin wouldn't let me as he said I would fall arse over tit off it I might have an accident and fall and hurt myself. Bah humbug, don't know whats worse, falling off it or having numb lady bits lol.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Hot hot hot!
Been getting fed up lately when it comes to meal times as we seem to be eating the same old meals. So I bought some new cook books. This evening I cooked spicy lamb with chickpeas. The recipe called for 'harissa paste'. So I put two teaspoons in........never heard of the stuff, maybe I should of read the label a bit more careful, for although the lamb was lovely and tender, that paste blew our bloody heads off burnt our mouths. I could feel it going through my guts lol. Still, it was nice and next time, I will put a lot less of the paste in even though the recipe actually called for a tablespoon of it!
Mind you it was funny watching Colin's face whilst he was eating it.............he likes mild stuff not flaming hot lol.
Mind you it was funny watching Colin's face whilst he was eating it.............he likes mild stuff not flaming hot lol.
Sad day for Hastings
I woke the early hours of this morning and had to shut my windows because of an acrid smell filling the house. It wasn't till 7.30 this morning, that I became aware that Hastings Pier was on fire.
Locals have been battling for months to save the pier due to a faulty structure, but as usual the town council dithered and now maybe we have lost it for good
. I have many happy memories spent there especially from my childhood.
Locals have been battling for months to save the pier due to a faulty structure, but as usual the town council dithered and now maybe we have lost it for good

Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Dead Hamster
I've had a nice day looking after my baby granddaughter Androulla while her mummy runs their restaurant. Shes two months old already, time flys by. Hopefully I will be seeing my other granddaughter tomorrow who is the same age.
The weather is definitely worsening.............Autumn is upon us. Actually, Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons...........I love the colours of the leaves as they fall from the trees, so pretty. It has been raining again and the temperature has dropped a little but it is still quite warm.
As a weird foot note:
My hamster snuffed it passed away the other day. I did love the little bugger, even though she was smelly and noisey.
The weather is definitely worsening.............Autumn is upon us. Actually, Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons...........I love the colours of the leaves as they fall from the trees, so pretty. It has been raining again and the temperature has dropped a little but it is still quite warm.
As a weird foot note:
My hamster snuffed it passed away the other day. I did love the little bugger, even though she was smelly and noisey.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
A Lovely Weekend
We went to Colin's mum and dad's for a long weekend. On the Saturday, we went to Stratford Upon Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare. It really is a lovely place to visit. It was even better purely because when we got there, there was a food festival. They had stalls selling local food stuffs as well as market traders from all over Europe selling lots of food from Paella's cooked up in huge pans, Hog Roasts, home made fudge/ cakes....you name it, it was probably there.
Colin and I infront of the canal
Linda and I with Henry VIII lol
Me with a huge teddy bear.
These two pictures are of the actual house Shakespeare was born in.
We had lunch in a pub and had a look round Stratford. They even have a dedicated Christmas Shop. It didn't sell tat but really lovely Christmas decorations.
At the Park and Ride terminal in Straford, I was very fortunate in that I 'caught' a book via BookCrossing. Its my first 'wild catch' and I was very excited. I have been bookcrossing since May and I also left some books in an official BookCrossing Zone in Dunstable.
Friday, 6 August 2010
What a fabulous day we had! We took part in an official record breaking attempt, which was for the most pirates ever in one place.
The current record was 1000 in Carolina USA, but the record got SMASHED here in Hastings. The official count was just over 6000!
And the town mayor got a certificate for the town from The Guiness Word Records as an official world record. It was such a good day with some fabulous costumes adults and kiddiwinks alike. We had just a pirate day last year with no record attempt. I think this event will take place annually now. Our town is such a wonderful place to live. We have great festivals like the Jack in the Green where all the bogeys and sweeps come togther. This week is old town week and it culminates tomorrow with the carnival.
The current record was 1000 in Carolina USA, but the record got SMASHED here in Hastings. The official count was just over 6000!
And the town mayor got a certificate for the town from The Guiness Word Records as an official world record. It was such a good day with some fabulous costumes adults and kiddiwinks alike. We had just a pirate day last year with no record attempt. I think this event will take place annually now. Our town is such a wonderful place to live. We have great festivals like the Jack in the Green where all the bogeys and sweeps come togther. This week is old town week and it culminates tomorrow with the carnival.
The pirate day was on meridian tv news which can be seen here.
BTW I got seriously sun burnt even though there was hardly any sun out...................thats the sea breeze for you lol. My face is bright red although the camera didnt pick it up very well.
Me sunburnt and for some reason one eyes one way and the other is the other way roflmfao and and you can see Him Indoors in the reflection of the glass lol complete with his go faster stripes hi visability top from work. Looks quite ghostly lol
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
I'm Engaged!
Yes you read right, I'm engaged! This is the story behind the tattoo lol.
Colin was always asking me to marry him and was always saying no lol. So a couple of weeks back, knowing Colin hates tattoo's, I said to him, 'The day I'll marry you is the day you come home with a tattoo of my name on your arm!' So you can guess what he did............yup he got it done lol.
Last Friday we went to my best friends wedding and Colin was best man.
Colin and I........I don't like wearing dresses hence my expression lol.
Jayne and Olly
At the evening reception, Colin did his best man speech and then the little shit my beloved started talking about me. I knew right away what he was up to and dived under the nearest table head first. The groom, Olly pulled me out by my ankles and put me in an arm lock lol, so I couldn't run away.
Colin proposing
Colin proposed to me complete with ring and asked me to marry him next year.........I called him a few choice names and said yes lol. At this point I was still sober lol.
We had a fantastic time at the reception. Jayne changed out of her wedding dress and we rocked out with plastic blow up guitars as she had a live guitar player/singer at her wedding Mick Mepham who is fabulous and has played with greats like Eric Clapton! If you haven't guessed, Jayne and Olly are bikers :)
Jayne and Me
Me Jayne and the twins
Ashley rocking with the big guys
Jayne Ashley and me.
As you can tell, Jayne and I don't act our 46 years of age lol. We were the bestest friends at school and somehow lost touch and she found me on Facebook. We are having a ball together and act just like school girls giggling all the time.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
I am very happy today as I won another book on Goodreads, French Silk by Sandra Brown. Should get it in about 4 to 6 weeks.
While I am on the Subject of Goodreads, the first book I won was Quantum Breach by Mark Powell a new up and coming author. I really enjuoyed the book and gave a good review and wrote privately to him via Goodreads to let him know a bit more indepth how I enjoyed the book as I didn't want my public review to contain spoilers. Well, his new book comes out in July but not here in the UK to the end of the year, but he is sending me a copy because in his own words, I have been a good supporter of him. How nice and generous is that! I am very happy and can't wait to read it.
I know it's been a while since I have blogged but life just seems to get in the way every now and again. I am now expecting THREE grandchildren this year. Must be something in the water lol but can't wait to meet them all. I am having two grandaughters but we don't know what the third one will be yet.
While I am on the Subject of Goodreads, the first book I won was Quantum Breach by Mark Powell a new up and coming author. I really enjuoyed the book and gave a good review and wrote privately to him via Goodreads to let him know a bit more indepth how I enjoyed the book as I didn't want my public review to contain spoilers. Well, his new book comes out in July but not here in the UK to the end of the year, but he is sending me a copy because in his own words, I have been a good supporter of him. How nice and generous is that! I am very happy and can't wait to read it.
I know it's been a while since I have blogged but life just seems to get in the way every now and again. I am now expecting THREE grandchildren this year. Must be something in the water lol but can't wait to meet them all. I am having two grandaughters but we don't know what the third one will be yet.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Bigus Dickus
Yes, I thought that would grab your attention lol.
We watched the 2009 Christmas episodes of Dr Who and loved it. I got tearful when he transformed into the new Dr...........
But we ended the night with a bottle of Merlot..............Echo Falls no less. I usually hate Californian wines but I do love Echo Falls Merlot but I digress, we ended the night with Monty Pythons Life of Brian and so I say good night and Bigus Dickus to you all
We watched the 2009 Christmas episodes of Dr Who and loved it. I got tearful when he transformed into the new Dr...........
But we ended the night with a bottle of Merlot..............Echo Falls no less. I usually hate Californian wines but I do love Echo Falls Merlot but I digress, we ended the night with Monty Pythons Life of Brian and so I say good night and Bigus Dickus to you all
Friday, 2 April 2010
Bread, Dr Who and stuff
It's been a long day for me today. Got up and went out in blue skies and sunshine, came home in overcast skies and raining cats and dogs.
First I went to Weight Watchers and lost another 1 lb. Then we went into town and did some grocery shopping and I went and saw my gorgous pregnant daughter Becky at the restaurant and gave her her easter eggs..........even though she's 27 she' says she's never too old for eggs or selection boxes at Christmas lol. I also bought a slicing machine for the bread to make the bread more econimical than the huge doorstops Him Indoors keeps cutting off lol.
We took the shopping home, picked up the twins and then went to my other daughters to give her her eggs and my grandsons eggs.
By the time we got home I was knackered and had to go to bed for a couple of hours which I never do but I only had two hours sleep last night..................my own fault, stayed up reading The Lovely Bones, and it's hard to put down. It was nearly 6am before I tried to sleep. Note to self..........try not to make a habit of it!
I made my second loaf of bread today. I think I put a bit too much water in as it was a bit tacky and the top end had a big air bubble in it but it tastes ok. It's still a huge learning curve for me.
Right, I'm off to watch the Christmas specials of Dr Who as we missed them so bought the DVD as we need to catch up as the new series starts tomorrow, yipee! Hope the new Dr is as good as Tennant was!
First I went to Weight Watchers and lost another 1 lb. Then we went into town and did some grocery shopping and I went and saw my gorgous pregnant daughter Becky at the restaurant and gave her her easter eggs..........even though she's 27 she' says she's never too old for eggs or selection boxes at Christmas lol. I also bought a slicing machine for the bread to make the bread more econimical than the huge doorstops Him Indoors keeps cutting off lol.
We took the shopping home, picked up the twins and then went to my other daughters to give her her eggs and my grandsons eggs.
By the time we got home I was knackered and had to go to bed for a couple of hours which I never do but I only had two hours sleep last night..................my own fault, stayed up reading The Lovely Bones, and it's hard to put down. It was nearly 6am before I tried to sleep. Note to self..........try not to make a habit of it!
I made my second loaf of bread today. I think I put a bit too much water in as it was a bit tacky and the top end had a big air bubble in it but it tastes ok. It's still a huge learning curve for me.
Right, I'm off to watch the Christmas specials of Dr Who as we missed them so bought the DVD as we need to catch up as the new series starts tomorrow, yipee! Hope the new Dr is as good as Tennant was!
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
My first loaf of bread
My first loaf turned out really well apart from the blade being in the end of the bread but according to the instructions, thats a common occurence.
I couldn't resist eating some as soon as it was cool and had a couple of slices with home made coleslaw.
In all honesty it tasted better than shop bread. I made it with just strong white flour, yeast, salt and water.
I need to invest in a food slicer though thats for sure!
In all honesty it tasted better than shop bread. I made it with just strong white flour, yeast, salt and water.
I need to invest in a food slicer though thats for sure!
Home baked bread
Hmm, my bread machine has just been delivered and I've never had one before. I purchased it because I want good wholesome bread not filled with all the crap that manufacturers of comercial bread plonk in it nowadays. I also got a book from Amazon which also turned up this morning, called Fresh Bread in the Morning by Annette Yates, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fresh-Bread-Morning-Your-Machine/dp/0716021544/ref=pd_cp_b_0 with lots of lovely recipes reducing the need to use milk powders and less salt, sugar and fat so that the loaves turn out as natural as can be. Blimey, it even has a recipe for chocolate bread! Can you believe it lol. Never knew you could make choccy bread lol. Need to go to the supermarket to get the ingredients tonight so I can make my very first loaf tomorrow! BTW, I've never made bread, period lol.
I am soooo looking forward to the smell of baking bread!
I am soooo looking forward to the smell of baking bread!
What a night last night. We had an awful storm and gale force winds. Peoples rubbish bins were taking flying lessons and crashing and banging all over the place. We even had giant hailstones, which at one point sounded like they were going to break the window panes. The house guttering couldn't cope with the ammount of water running into it from the roof and we had a waterfall coming down past our bedroom window. Him Indoors slept right through it! I managed to get to sleep around 5 am.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
This and That
The weather has been dreadful here again, grey skies and lots of rain and wind. At this rate we shouldn't have a water shortage this summer lol.
I entered a free book giveaway on www.goodreads.com yesterday and got an email today to say that I was won of the lucky winners. All I have to do is read it and review it. It's called Quantum Breach by Mark Powell. I am not familiar with him but it is always good to discover new authors. It's due to be published on June 30th. I never seem to win anything, but two book competitions in two days!...........I feel good yeah lol. I am an avid reader, and can't afford my habit. I usually get books from the library or freebie e-books for my reader.
I also got a letter to say that my rent had been DECREASED! Fabulous. First time I've ever had a decrease. Guess it is because my landlord whas a charitable status.....Moat Homes Ltd.
Hope everyone is having a good day
I entered a free book giveaway on www.goodreads.com yesterday and got an email today to say that I was won of the lucky winners. All I have to do is read it and review it. It's called Quantum Breach by Mark Powell. I am not familiar with him but it is always good to discover new authors. It's due to be published on June 30th. I never seem to win anything, but two book competitions in two days!...........I feel good yeah lol. I am an avid reader, and can't afford my habit. I usually get books from the library or freebie e-books for my reader.
I also got a letter to say that my rent had been DECREASED! Fabulous. First time I've ever had a decrease. Guess it is because my landlord whas a charitable status.....Moat Homes Ltd.
Hope everyone is having a good day
Monday, 29 March 2010
Lucky me!
I follow www.waterstones.com on Facebook and last week they wrote an entry saying they had a few copies of Beatrice and Virgil by the Booker Prize winner Yann Martel to give away providing it's read and then reviewed on their site. I apllied thinking I probably wouldn't receive one. Well, I was wrong and a copy turned up this morning! I am chuffed to bits. The book is a proof version as it's not on general release. Publishing date is April the 13th I believe.
This is what Goodreads have to say on the book.
Fate can take many forms. For Henry, a writer living in a foreign city, it arrives in the form of an envelope from a reader. Instead of the usual fan mail, the envelope contains a story by Flaubert, a scene from a play featuring two characters named Beatrice and Virgil, and a note asking for Henry’s help. The note is signed “Henry,” and the return address is not far from where Henry lives. When Henry walks his dog to hand-deliver his response, he is surprised to discover a taxidermist’s shop. Here, stunning specimens are poised on the brink of action, silent and preternaturally still, yet bursting with the palpable life of a lost, vibrant world. And when the mysterious, elderly taxidermist introduces his visitor to Beatrice and Virgil—a donkey and a howler monkey—Henry’s life is changed forever.
Yann Martel’s previous novel, Life of Pi, has become a modern classic. A fantastical tale about a boy and a tiger shipwrecked in the Pacific, it asked probing questions about belief and reality. Now Martel has written another story that uses animals to examine our humanity. In Beatrice and Virgil, he poses enduring questions about life and art, truth and deception, responsibility and complicity. Haunting and unforgettable, this is an extraordinary feat of storytelling.
This is what Goodreads have to say on the book.
Fate can take many forms. For Henry, a writer living in a foreign city, it arrives in the form of an envelope from a reader. Instead of the usual fan mail, the envelope contains a story by Flaubert, a scene from a play featuring two characters named Beatrice and Virgil, and a note asking for Henry’s help. The note is signed “Henry,” and the return address is not far from where Henry lives. When Henry walks his dog to hand-deliver his response, he is surprised to discover a taxidermist’s shop. Here, stunning specimens are poised on the brink of action, silent and preternaturally still, yet bursting with the palpable life of a lost, vibrant world. And when the mysterious, elderly taxidermist introduces his visitor to Beatrice and Virgil—a donkey and a howler monkey—Henry’s life is changed forever.
Yann Martel’s previous novel, Life of Pi, has become a modern classic. A fantastical tale about a boy and a tiger shipwrecked in the Pacific, it asked probing questions about belief and reality. Now Martel has written another story that uses animals to examine our humanity. In Beatrice and Virgil, he poses enduring questions about life and art, truth and deception, responsibility and complicity. Haunting and unforgettable, this is an extraordinary feat of storytelling.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
It's been years since I've been to bingo but my son and Sarah asked Him Indoors and I to go with them this evening as the local bingo hall do 'free' bingo on a Wednesday evening. You only have to pay for the nationals and the link books if you want them. I was mildly surprised and rather enjoyed it as did Him Indoors who didn't want to go lol. So, it was a cheap couple of hours of enjoyment and we both needed a evening away from the house as both of us rarely go out of an evening.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Becky and exhausted
I didn't get up till mid day. I was exhausted from yesterday. Firstly, I left home at 7.30 to battle my way in the snow to Weight Watchers and it was closed lol due to the weather. So, I carried on into town and met up with my daughter Becky. We spent all day in town going round the shops looking at baby things. Twice she dragged me to Debenhams lol. But we had a good mother/ daughter day which was nice. Her baby bump is starting to show now. Funnily enough, today nearly all the snow is gone!
I finished my summer dragon during the week. It took me about three years on and off to stitch it lol, but Him Indoors is happy seeing it's for him.
I finished my summer dragon during the week. It took me about three years on and off to stitch it lol, but Him Indoors is happy seeing it's for him.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Fatty Club, sofa's, and Aldi's
On Wednesday my new sofas were delivered to replace the one that was broke. Nice and comforatable but because I am a short arse vertically challenged, my feet don't touch the floor when I am sitting on it lol.
Went to Weight Watchers yesterday and lost 2.5 lbs this week. I was very happy to say the least! Any weight loss to me is good and I hope I can keep it up.
I read an article in the Mail online about Aldi's and how much cheaper it is than the bigger supermarkets and that the quality of their goods are just as good as the major brands. I tend to use Tesco's and I think their prices are disgusting of late. So, when I need to go shooping next, Him Indoors is going to take to Aldi's in Bexhill which is a 10 minute drive. I really do hope I am pleasantly surprised!
Went to Weight Watchers yesterday and lost 2.5 lbs this week. I was very happy to say the least! Any weight loss to me is good and I hope I can keep it up.
I read an article in the Mail online about Aldi's and how much cheaper it is than the bigger supermarkets and that the quality of their goods are just as good as the major brands. I tend to use Tesco's and I think their prices are disgusting of late. So, when I need to go shooping next, Him Indoors is going to take to Aldi's in Bexhill which is a 10 minute drive. I really do hope I am pleasantly surprised!
Monday, 1 February 2010
Well more or less lol.
I went to Weight Watchers on Friday and lost a lb. Hope I can do that every week.
My new tumble dryer was delivered today thank gawd. Now I can tackle all the towels and bedding that was inpossible to dry on an airer lol! My new one is a condenser one so should cut down on condensation in the kitchen.
My new tumble dryer was delivered today thank gawd. Now I can tackle all the towels and bedding that was inpossible to dry on an airer lol! My new one is a condenser one so should cut down on condensation in the kitchen.
The fuel pump on the car has been replaced. We were lucky to get one from a scrap yard for £20 and it's in good nick. The car is still off the road as the M.O.T is tomorrow (Tuesday) and hopefully nothing major will want doing.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Oh dear, it never rains but it pours as the saying goes. Last week the clutch went on the car, this week the fuel pumps gone! Talk about being in financial shit especially seeing as the car tax and M.O.T is due in a few weeks . Oh well, such is life huh!
I would consider selling Him Indoors but I would probably have to give a refund as he would be brought back as faulty goods hahaha
I would consider selling Him Indoors but I would probably have to give a refund as he would be brought back as faulty goods hahaha
Monday, 25 January 2010
Quiet weekend
We had a nice relaxing weekend. My sleeping patterns are much better now although still waking up very early in the mornings but feeling much more rested.
My diet / healthy eating plan is going very well so far and I am getting used to eating porridge made with water for breakfast. I put a sliced banana into it to brighten it up a bit lol. It's a bit of a bind weighing food but if it's going to make me lose weight than it's worth it. I guess after a while it will become second nature.
I'm not morbidly obese but carrying at least 28lbs too much fat. I have really good skin and a bit of fat is a great wrinkle filler on the face.............lets hope the weight loss dont mega age me hahaha
The twins are off school today as they have sore throats. I hope it does not develope into anything worse!
My diet / healthy eating plan is going very well so far and I am getting used to eating porridge made with water for breakfast. I put a sliced banana into it to brighten it up a bit lol. It's a bit of a bind weighing food but if it's going to make me lose weight than it's worth it. I guess after a while it will become second nature.
I'm not morbidly obese but carrying at least 28lbs too much fat. I have really good skin and a bit of fat is a great wrinkle filler on the face.............lets hope the weight loss dont mega age me hahaha
The twins are off school today as they have sore throats. I hope it does not develope into anything worse!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Slept better
Slept better last night. I think it was due to being more active as I did lots of walking.
I rejoined Weight Watchers yesterday to find that I had put on all the weight I previously lost and also a few extra pounds. This time I am really going to buckle down and get rid of the weight. It's all down to making good food choices and portion size. This morning I had porridge made with water and a sliced banana added. It tasted nice and was filling so lets see shall we lol.
The skies are grey again today with drizzle and a light mist, about right for January.
Hope everyone has a nice day!
I rejoined Weight Watchers yesterday to find that I had put on all the weight I previously lost and also a few extra pounds. This time I am really going to buckle down and get rid of the weight. It's all down to making good food choices and portion size. This morning I had porridge made with water and a sliced banana added. It tasted nice and was filling so lets see shall we lol.
The skies are grey again today with drizzle and a light mist, about right for January.
Hope everyone has a nice day!
Friday, 22 January 2010
Up early again
Went to bed at 12.30am and was awake by 5.30am and I feel really tired and worn out. Didn't help as I woke up with a nasty headache too. It's rare for me to get headaches as well.
I am going to go back to Weight Watchers today. I put several pounds on over the festive period and unfortuantely I am one of those people who need acountability when losing weight!
I am going to go back to Weight Watchers today. I put several pounds on over the festive period and unfortuantely I am one of those people who need acountability when losing weight!
Thursday, 21 January 2010

My Hyacinths are starting to colour up nicely. It's the first time I have tried growing them. I wonder if the bulbs could be dried out and reused next year? They look rather stumpy though lol
Got the car back!

On a real good note, we got the car back last night all fixed. We are going to have to tighten our belts for a month or two as we also have the car tax and MOT due soon too. It is so expensive to run a car but where we live, it's easier to have one as we don't live on a very good bus route and taxi-ing everywhere is just as expensive. Plus Him Indoors needs it to get to and fro work.
The weather is just as miserable and the skies are grey. At least the snow is gone although I did enjoy looking at the white landscapes.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Sleeping Patterns.
Got up at 7am this morning, better than the 6am of late. My sleeping patterns are all over the place at the moment. Some nights I don't sleep at all. Hmmm it's doing my head in. It wouldnt be so bad if I was getting 8 hours sleep but it's around 5 to 6 hours. I do need 8 hours to feel refreshed. Sometimnes it's only been 3 to 4 hours sleep. Maybe it's an age thing lol.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Going to be a grandma again twice over!
I am so excited as my oldest child Rebecca (Becky) is having her first child at 27 with her partner Michael and my second oldest child Benjamin (Ben or Benny as I call him lol) who is 25, is expecting his first one with his partner Sarah. Both are due in around July. I've known for a few weeks but they both wanted to get past the safe period of 12 weeks before generally announcing it.
It come's in threes
Yes breakdowns and things needing replacing certainly come along in threes and right after Christmas as well. First of all the clutch went on our car, a Citreon Saxo, so looking between £200 to £300 for that. It is being repaired this week. Secondly, my couch finally gave up the ghost and the supporting wood in the seat bit broke when Him Indoors went to get off it it on Saturday. We knew it wouldn't last forever but I was hoping for a bit longer. So I ordered a new two and three seater set off my catalogue. Not too bad as it is interest free for two years. Besides I am secretly happy as it will be the very first suite that I ever ever had from brand new lol.
Thirdly is my tumble dryer. It hasn't exactly broke down but it is one with a hose on it and I have to have the back door open when I use it and in this weather it's way too cold for that. If I don't have the door open, condensation builds up way too badly even with the kitchen fan on and I really don't want to entice dampness. So I got a condensor one coming off the catalogue too which was in a sale. Thank gawd for catalogues is what I say lol.
Thirdly is my tumble dryer. It hasn't exactly broke down but it is one with a hose on it and I have to have the back door open when I use it and in this weather it's way too cold for that. If I don't have the door open, condensation builds up way too badly even with the kitchen fan on and I really don't want to entice dampness. So I got a condensor one coming off the catalogue too which was in a sale. Thank gawd for catalogues is what I say lol.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Snowed in.
It's been a while since I last blogged. I think I needed a break as I was finding it hard to write about things. i don't know why...........blogging block maybe? lol.
We are well and truly snowed in. I am beginging to worry as I need groceries. We are not starving but just running out of daily essentials. The clutch on the car has gone and we cant afford to repair it until the end of the month, so I ordered my grocerys online via Tesco. The snow was eleviating until today and it is coming down quite heavily. The grocerys are due to be delivered Friday but I can't see it happening.
The dogs, Lindita and Lupi, have certainly been feeling the cold. I took this this morning. They are snuggled under the radiator which was on. They are not daft lol. Lindita loves running around in the snow but Lupi hates it and I have to force him outside and he digs he paws in so I have to gently push him out the back door lol.
We are well and truly snowed in. I am beginging to worry as I need groceries. We are not starving but just running out of daily essentials. The clutch on the car has gone and we cant afford to repair it until the end of the month, so I ordered my grocerys online via Tesco. The snow was eleviating until today and it is coming down quite heavily. The grocerys are due to be delivered Friday but I can't see it happening.
The dogs, Lindita and Lupi, have certainly been feeling the cold. I took this this morning. They are snuggled under the radiator which was on. They are not daft lol. Lindita loves running around in the snow but Lupi hates it and I have to force him outside and he digs he paws in so I have to gently push him out the back door lol.
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