Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Cadbury are Arseholes

Yes Cadburys are Arseholes. Why you ask? Because they have shrunk their chocolate bars yet they are charging the same price. My son bought me a Twirl bar and it is a lot smaller, by a good quarter. Their excuse for this is that the beans they use are so expensive. I'd rather pay a bit more than be deprived of my chocolate.

BTW, Cadburys do lie remember. A couple of years ago people were complaining that their creme eggs had shrunk and Cadburys denied it by saying 'You've got bigger thats why they look smaller'. Turns out their bluff was called when somebody found a couple they had forgotten about in their freezer, which were bigger than the new smaller ones! ( A video of this can be found on U-Tube BTW)

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Monday, 28 September 2009

A nice Sunday

Sunday was my ex husbands (Ivan) birthday so we all went to the Hollington Oak pub. The weather was glorious yet again so it was perfect for all the kids in the beer garden. We got there before him and put a nice chocolate birthday cake behind the bar and then surprised him with it after we had dinner there. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to him much to his embaressment and the delight of the pub regulars lol.


Ivan with his cake.

I bought a new digital camera as ours was naff. It was on offer in Tescos and I thought it was a bargain at £70 and its 12 mega pixels and has auto scene recognition as well. Cant wait to get out and about it and see how well it takes piccys.

Today has been a bit ugh, if you know what I mean. Skies overcast but no rain. I have found it very hard to get motivated, although I did do the obligatory bleaching of the kitchen lol and the grocery shopping at Tescos!


My oldest son Ben and his girlfriend Sarah taken at the pub.


My daughter Kim and her son (my oldest grandson) Rylee and me.


Kims other son and my youngest grandson, Connor, with chocolate from the cake going up his nose lol.

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Saturday, 26 September 2009

Day spent fishing

We thought it would be good to give Sarah and Ben some time on their own together so we took the twins fishing with my sister Sharron and her partner Dave. We went fishing on the River Rother at Wittersham which was really really nice. It was the twins first time at fishing and Ashley caught the biggest fish of the day. It was a Rud lol.


Ashley with his first fish.


Joshua with his first fish.


Me concentrating on my float.


Him Indoors making tea.


For some reason the sheep really liked Him Indoors and kept invading his fishing spot to come down to the water to drink lol. We had a really lovely day and the weather was just like a hot August day. My feet were melting in my wellies lol.
It was nice to get out of the house as I havent really been anywhere since we moved house. I was so proud of my boys as they took to fishing as a duck does to water and they want to know when they can go again lol.

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Thursday, 24 September 2009

Plodding along and suicide

I'm still plodding along but life is a pile of pooh right now for my oldest son who lives with me and his girlfriend as her mother comited suicide yesterday and it wasnt in a nice manner. She left a suicide note then some how deliberately crashed her car into a field and the car was filled with some kind of accelerant. It burnt up over half the field as well her apparently. Gawd, what a thing to put your kids through! Sarah, Bens girlfriend, is staying with me now. Guess I am a mother figure to her right now.

So my time is limited, so I have temperarily deactived my Facebook to stop me wasting time on there lol.

Hope everyone is good and is looking forward to the weekend!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

What to do today?

Up nice and early. House work all done and the washing hung out on the line. The sun is shining and not much wind, which is nice.
Now, what to do with the rest of the day? Play on Pogo? Play World of Warcraft? lol

Monday, 21 September 2009

Weekend Round Up

Had a nice lazy day in yesterday. I sat reading whilst the twins played on their games console. I cooked a nice roast followed by rhubard crumble.

Him Indoors topped up both of our World of Warcraft accounts so I played that for a while in the evening after The X Factor had finished lol. Haven't played it in a few months.

We are worried about one of our dogs, Lupi. He has over the course of the last few weeks, gone rather thin. His appetite is normal and he is up to date with his worm/flea/tick stuff that he has. He is getting on a bit. Also his fur is fine and not gone funny so we have no idea as to why, other than maybe old age. Him Indoors says he is going to give him a few weeks and if he looks to be getting thinner, then he will take him to the vets. He sleeps most of the time too.

I also need to finish the unpacking. We still have all the ornaments etc to put somewhere. Would help if Him Indoors got the shelves up lol. Also need to sort all my cross stitching out as most of that is still boxed up!

The weather looks better today as we had rain yesterday. The sun is poking it's head out periodically!

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Saturday, 19 September 2009

Interesting day

Colin and I went to Eastbourne to do a bit of shopping at Pets at Home and Argus Extra with the intention of Colin doing the buying. It wasn't till we got to Eastbourne that he realised he had left his wallet at home! What a plonker lol. So I had to do the buying and he bought the shopping in Tescos once we got back. The pet store were selling really nice dog beds at half price and Lindita and Lupi needed new ones so we got them one each.


The dogs with their new beds, excuse the quality as I took it on my mobile phone.

We then went to Argus Extra and Colin decided we needed a big bookcase so we bought one. Then I had the pleasure of watching him trying to fit the flatpacked bookcase into our dear little Citreon Saxo. Put it this way, I couldnt see out of my window very well by the time he had finished! He even tried sticking it out of the sunroof which was a big no no, the silly sod. We got it back safely and now its been put together and standing in my living room with a full load of books. Makes the room look more homely now.

Back online

Thank gawd I finally have my broadband connected, curtesy of Aohell AOL lol. I was having major withdrawel symptoms too! I have internet on my phone but I'm nearly blind as a bat and trying to do email and things on my mobile was just a pain in the backside.

The house move went pratically smoothly and we are settled in now apart from some ornaments, nicknacks and books that need unpacking, but that can be done leisurely.

The new house is a wake up call for our two dogs as our neighbours all have dogs too and mine arent used to it. One neighbour has three Yorkies and they look so comical lol.My Lindita likes to wind them up lol.

I will blog again later as I have to go out soon. Thank you for all being patient with me and I have missed my blogging and not being able to read and comment on others! Will be playing catch up laters.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!