Thursday, 30 April 2009


Today I did really well. I went to the library on my own, and yes it was open this time lol. I also took the dogs on two long walks clocking up 11500 odd steps on my pedometer which was 4.45 miles. I am feeling really good but soooooo tired. Not use to all the activity.

Tomorrow is fatty club day. I don't think I have lost any weight but I dont think I have put any on either. Tomorrow will tell lol.

I am doing the unheard of and going to bed before 12am where I am so tired.

Nighty night peeps!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Walking lots

It's been a good day for me on a personal level. I decided to walk alone up to the library and return my books. I am slowly getting the confidence up to go out more on my own now. The fact that I had forgotten it was Wednesday and the library was closed is neither here nor there lol. Still, I carried on and bought a few things in the Chemist instead.

We took the dogs for a nice long walk after Him Indoors finished work and Lindita slipped out of her collar and lead the little moo so after we had dinner we went to Pets at Home and bought them new collars and leads plus some new balls to play with, a travelling water bottle set for them and some treats, oh and a bandana each. They look so cute in them! I will try and get a picture of them waring them. Lupi loves wearing his and I have trouble getting his off him lol.

On another positive note, we have decided to join a rambling club. It will enable me to get fitter and also enjoy one of my other hobbies of photography. Looking at the clubs website, the members seem to be older than us but we dont care, suits me just fine lol. I will need to get some decent walking boots and will probably get walking poles or whatever they are called, too, where my back is temperalmental and a bit dodgy now and again. I am looking foward to discovering things and trying to use maps and compasses..............mmmmmmmmmmm!

Monday, 27 April 2009

Trip to Greenwich

Greenwich Royal Observatory

On Saturday, Him Indoors and I went to the Greenwich Royal Observatory with our Astronomy club. The day started with us having to get up at 6am as we had to make a packed lunch and go to Bexhill to get the coach. The coach left at 8am and we were at Greenwich by 9.45am, so not bad going.This is home to the Prime Meridian of the World, its basically the line where you all align your clocks too...... Its why you are +8(GMT) or -8(GMT), GMT = Greenwich Mean Time..
We had a private tour pre arranged, even though we had done this a couple of years ago. We also did the new Planatarium which wasn't there a couple of years ago. It was really good.

Planatarium at Greenwich

The Peter Harrison Planetarium at Greenwich, has a cone which is one of the single largest uses of bronze in the world. It is made of nearly 250 individual plates welded together and made to look like on piece, the shape of the cone is related to the stars and unique to its location in Greenwich.

The whole Planetarium is aligned with the prime meridian line, the sloping side of the cone points towards the north celestrial pole.The north side of the cone is aligned with the point in the sky perpendicular to the Greenwich local Horizon (zenith). The cone is sliced at the angle parallel to the celestial equator.

We also went to the National Maritime Museum which I love visiting. I love gawking at the uniform of Admiral Nelson with the bullet hole clearly visable on the left shoulder. If you have never been. I highly recommend you do as there is something interesting for everyone.

We headed down to the charcoal remains Cutty Sark which was burnt down just after we visited last time. You can't really see anything now as it is covered in awnings and the like.

Overall, we had a great day and the weather was mostly sunny with the odd light shower.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Call Me Spontaneous

I went into town today with the intention of getting some shopping in Icelands and just generally looking around. I went and saw my daughter Bexster and my son turned up with my grand daughter Destiny which was lovely as I hadn't seen her since Christmas. Afterwards, I  did my shopping and bought some hair dye in Boots, that new 10 minute jobby from L'Oreal. Then I was spontaneous....................I got my NOSE pierced hehehe. Don't ask me why. Him indoors gave me 20 quid to spend on myself and getting my nose pierced seemed like a good idea. Ok, most people walk past a tattoist, but I looked and got pierced. I like it. It's nice and dainty. After the six weeks of healing I would like to get a nice purple nose stud to go with the cherry brown hair lol.

Him indoors took the photo, excuse me looking a mess, no makeup lol.

I then went to my friends who helped me dye my hair. The colour does not show up well in the photo. It is very reddy brown.

Him and I went back into town when he got home from work and went to the Rainbow for dinner and then we played a round of Adventure Golf. It's like crazy golf. So, for me that was a lovely day as I'm usually holed up indoors. The weather was beautiful, so all in all a very nice productive way.

Him indoors think I got my nose pierced because of a mid life crisis hahaha.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Went for my pre operation medical this afternoon. They now do MRSA swabs on you. One up the nose and one for the back of the throat, ugh! Tastes and smells horrible lol. They said I wasn't pencilled in for a date yet but should be within the next few weeks.
The weather is beautiful today. Nearly blue skies and lots of sunshine. I hope it is like this over the weekend!

Monday, 20 April 2009

Day Tripping to Greenwich.

I had a nice lazy weekend. Actually most of my days seem too leisurely lately, hence why I am having problems blogging as I don't have anything to say!

Mind you, tomorrow I have my medical assessment prior to my hospital admission which I am hoping won't be too far away now.

On a brighter note, I completely forgot that we are going to the Royal Obersevatory at Greenwich on Saturday and we also booked for the Planatarium. We went to Greenwich a couple of years back just weeks before the Cutty Sark became a pile of ashes. We didnt do the Planatarium then, but we had a splendid day and a lovely picnic in the park. I really do hope the weather is nice for it. We are going with our Astronomy club so the cost is very minimal. We only have to pay a tenner each for the coach and entry for the Planatarium. I am hoping we have time to also visit the Maritime Musuem again as well as I did enjoy looking round there.

Mother in Law to be (maybe one day! lol), has also suggested we go to Kew Gardens this year. I have never been and am looking forward to it. Also it will allow me to try and get some really good pictures as my photography has all but fizzled out  lately.


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Email Blogging

Just trying this out to see what happens and if it comes through ok.

A Celebration of Life.

Yesterday, I attended the Memorial Service for my BIL you passed away on the 8th of April. It was a thanksgiving of his life. We walked into the church with Bohemain Rhapsody playing, one of Tony's favaurite songs. Also played was Son of Man by Phil Collins, Bond Girls Explosive and Power and Passion by Midnight Oil. The service was very nice and after saying The Lords Prayer, we departed the church to Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield.

We went on to a pub for a few drinkies. It was nice to see the family. I wasn't thinking though, and sank a few large glasses of wine, which wouldnt necessarily be a problem, but it was because I had only had one cup of coffee and a couple of Weetabix all day. My beloved came to pick us up and it took a long time to get home. Why was that you may ask? Because I was hanging out the door of the car with only the seat belt stopping me from going out head first whilst I puked my guts up. My gawd, was I sick. It was all the wine coming back up lol. I was a good hour like that as I couldn't move. Everytime I moved my head I felt worse. So I did the only viable thing in this kind of situation and passed out for around 10 minutes, woke back up, puked again and then passed out in the seat again. Him Indoors managed to lay me down and drive home where I puked again and passed out till 11pm. I felt marginally better when I woke up and we got a takeaway, a prawn kebab as I desperatly needed to eat and then I went to bed and didnt get up till 1pm today. I look like hell lol. So the morale of the story is dont drink on an empty stomach and quite frankly I should of known better take time out to eat if you drink lol.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Worth Watching

It's been a nice Easter Sunday. My younger daughter Kim came round with my two grandsons for a while and to pick up their Easter eggs. The twins have enough chocolate to last them ages! I also got two eggs even though I'm on a diet and I have ate one already hehehe.

We watched the 3rd instalment of Red Dwarf, Back to Earth, and I did enjoy it. Him Indoors and the twins enjoyed watching it too. We aslo watched the rerun of Saturdays Primeval tonight as it clashed with Dr Who. All good fun and escapism no matter how many people pan it.........each to their own after all. And why knock it because it does not smack of reality....................duh, it's a TV show not a documentary! It's for entertainment and it entertains my family and thats a good thing in my book. Lifes too short to moan about anything and everything, if your going to moan then make it about something worth while ie why so many children are living in thats something worth moaning about! (Even though it's a profound subject.)

I hope everyone is having a nice long extended weekend!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Nice Day

Had a nice day today. We had our grandson Rylee and took him and the twins down to The Rainbow for dinner as it was Michaels birthday, who is the owner and my daughter Beckys partner. We took him a nice choccy birthday cake and cards and chocolates as well as Easter eggs for Sunday lol.

I bought Rylee a Ninky Nonk book in Waterstones. All I know is that Ninky Nonk is a character from a small kids TV programme lol. So we sat in The Rainbow taking turns at reading Rylee's book to him lol much to the amusement of other diners.

We took Rylee home and we all sat down and watched The Quantum of Solace. Not quite sure of Daniel Craig as Bond as I really like Connery and Brosnan as Bond but I'm sure I will get used to Craig. I did like the film though and now we want to see Casino Royale as well.

After, we watched the brand new Red Dwarf, Back to Earth. I was looking forward to it with trepidation as I'm a huge Dwarf fan. I thought the episode was lacking something but I will continue to watch on Saturday and Sunday.
Him Indoors, hadn't seen Ghost Rider with Nicholas Cage so we sat and watched that as well.........I like the film hehehe and Him Indoors enjoyed it as well.