Sunday, 23 August 2009

Weekend and Fishing

It's been a really nice weekend. Yesterday we went into town for the day and did some shopping and in the evening we went to our friends, Kieron and Nessie's BBQ. The weather was glorious and the food excellent, especially the Chicken Green Tai burgers that Kieron made! And Nessie's veggie sausage rolls were really tasty too!

My sister and her partner Dave, are keen coarse anglers and have talked us into going with them. Him Indoors used to fish years ago and the thought of going again appeals to him. So, he had some back pay that he got and so we went and bought rods etc yesterday. I'm not sure wether I will take to fishing.........just the thought of maggots, let alone handling the little buggers, makes me feel yucky lol. I'm glad its coarse fishing as you just throw the fish back and dont kill them or anything. Yes, I know there are debates that hooks are painful to fish and its a divided debate as some say they are painful and some say they are not. We have bought stuff that is more humane and recommended by the Angling Association. I am looking foward to it and going to the fishing area thats by a Nature Reserve in Rye. Oh, and wouldn't it be just fabulous if I caught a bigger fish than Him Indoors the first time I went lol. I will be taking the camera with me just incase lol!

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