Monday 25 March 2013

Not Been Well

I am just getting over a really nasty strain of a tummy bug. It knocked me for six and then some! It seems to be doing the rounds for those unlucky enough not to be able to avoid it! It was Colin s Birthday on the 23rd and it was just unfortunate that he had to cook his own Birthday dinner but he did a good job of it. We had a lovely beef casserole.

The good side of being so ill and confined to bed mean't that I got a lot of reading done. Talking of which  last week I got a book in the post which I won on Gransnet. It is called 'The Middlesteins' by Jami Attenberg. 

I was very shocked to see that the RRP was a £11.99 as it is only a paper back and not that very big either seeing it only has 273 pages! As much as I love a 'real' book, you just can't beat a Kindle for lovely cheap book prices.  The Kindle version is only £2.05, go figure!  Anyhow, I digress, it will be added to my TBR (to be read) pile.

On the Chicken front, our hens still have not laid their first eggs. Hopefully, it will be any time soon now. Colin was hoping it would of happened on his Birthday so he got a 'Birthday Egg' lol.

The weather has been absolutely dreadful and so cold. Apparently it has been the coldest and wettest March in 50 years. It would be so nice to see the sun and the first inklings of Spring!  


  1. That dinner was nice, but I did follow your instructions. And I had a nice birthday snuggled with you in bed, watching films and stuff. And on the chicken front, still no eggs..

  2. You poor baby! I hope the stomach feels better and maybe you can do a Birthday 2.0, once you're better and have some eggs!

    1. Thank you Claudette. I am over the worst now, just feel a little weak.

  3. Hope you are feeling well soon.
    The plus side is your TBR pile should be shrinking.
