Sunday, 16 January 2011

On the Razzle

Last night Colin and I went out with our friends Jayne and Olly. It was Ollys Birthday so we went for a meal at Cosmo's which is an eat as much as you like Asian eatery. We always get our monies worth as Colin eats enough for four of us lol .
Afterward we went to The Marina Fountain pub to watch a live band called Sonic Oblivion who were very good. They play stuff like Pink Floyd, Radio head, Metallica, Black Sabbath etc.
I only drank two and a half pints of lager so I was a good girl ;-p  Since I've had my gallbladder out my stomach and guts wont tolerate lots of alcohol. 
I had a really bad night's sleep, probably due to the beer maybe, anxiety attacks ugh. Although we both enjoyed the night out, neither of us are big drinkers although we are both partial to a nice bottle of red wine now and again.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh!Red wine, nature's tranquilizer. Hope you are feeling better today. Glad you enjoyed your night out. It's good for the spirit.
    Manteo, NC
