Just when I am trying to make an effort to blog on a regular basis, my internet screws up. Its constantly dropping out. I ran my provider (AOL) and they are aware of it and trying to fix the problem ie BT are fixing it, because who ever your provider is BT supply the lines unless it's fibre optics of course. Hope its done soon as it's driving me barmy.
I had my Upper GI Endoscopy this morning. Since I had my Gallbladder removed last year Iv had a lot of stomach problems.........which was a bummer as people were saying I would feel so much better. Basically my stomach is erosive and so is my duodendum............I am only the second case she had ever seen where the stomach just fills with bile after having the gallbladder removed. I'm always belching, and the acid has been unbearable. So for the time being, I have to have three lots of medication and then back for another scope after a while to see if the inflamation has died down. In the mean time I'm not allowed any alcohol (which is a bummer as I like a drop of wine now and again) or spicy foods. I also have to see a specialist after my biopsys results come through. Thankfully my clotest came through negative which means no ulcers.
On the positive side, I'm starting Weight Watchers again next week. I also bought a descent exercise bike to help get my fitness levels up...................first time I used it and got off, I had a numb bum and pins and needles between my legs! They don't mention that in the brochure that comes with it do they! I couldn't sit down for several minutes. I guess its where I am a short arse vertically challenged with an inside leg of 25 inches and even with the saddle at it's lowest, my feet do not touch the floor! I wanted to put a cushion on the saddle but Colin wouldn't let me as he said I would fall arse over tit off it I might have an accident and fall and hurt myself. Bah humbug, don't know whats worse, falling off it or having numb lady bits lol.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Hot hot hot!
Been getting fed up lately when it comes to meal times as we seem to be eating the same old meals. So I bought some new cook books. This evening I cooked spicy lamb with chickpeas. The recipe called for 'harissa paste'. So I put two teaspoons in........never heard of the stuff, maybe I should of read the label a bit more careful, for although the lamb was lovely and tender, that paste blew our bloody heads off burnt our mouths. I could feel it going through my guts lol. Still, it was nice and next time, I will put a lot less of the paste in even though the recipe actually called for a tablespoon of it!
Mind you it was funny watching Colin's face whilst he was eating it.............he likes mild stuff not flaming hot lol.
Mind you it was funny watching Colin's face whilst he was eating it.............he likes mild stuff not flaming hot lol.
Sad day for Hastings
I woke the early hours of this morning and had to shut my windows because of an acrid smell filling the house. It wasn't till 7.30 this morning, that I became aware that Hastings Pier was on fire.
Locals have been battling for months to save the pier due to a faulty structure, but as usual the town council dithered and now maybe we have lost it for good
. I have many happy memories spent there especially from my childhood.
Locals have been battling for months to save the pier due to a faulty structure, but as usual the town council dithered and now maybe we have lost it for good

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