Thursday, 10 June 2010


I am very happy today as I won another book on Goodreads, French Silk by  Sandra Brown. Should get it in about 4 to 6 weeks.
While I am on the Subject of Goodreads, the first book I won was Quantum Breach by Mark Powell a new up and coming author. I really enjuoyed the book and gave a good review and wrote privately to him via Goodreads to let him know a bit more indepth how I enjoyed the book as I didn't want my public review to contain spoilers. Well, his new book comes out in July but not here in the UK to the end of the year, but he is sending me a copy because in his own words, I have been a good supporter of him. How nice and generous is that! I am very happy and can't wait to read it.

I know it's been a while since I have blogged but life just seems to get in the way every now and again. I am now expecting THREE grandchildren this year. Must be something in the water lol but can't wait to meet them all. I am having two grandaughters but we don't know what the third one will be yet.
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